About Rebel Holiday

Rebel Holiday developed an innovative system that teaches you to maximize your visual potential and express the best real you. It's based on proven techniques that make it easy for you to apply to your look and your life.

What Looks “Good” Is Not Just Opinion

By | July 12th, 2020|Designing Your Self, Visual Aspects of Designing Your Self|

What if “good” was not a matter of opinion? When gourmet food experts are tasting food to determine excellent cuisine they look for specific qualities. No chef would have credibility if he said, “It doesn’t matter what it tastes like. It’s great because I cooked it.” Or, imagine an expert who said, “It’s fabulous because [...]

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Questions You Can Answer by Designing Your Self

By | July 10th, 2020|Designing Your Self, Practical Aspects of DYS, Uncategorized, Visual Aspects of Designing Your Self|

Designing Your Self applies my principles of Visual Harmony that can be explained, analyzed, and understood. These are objective, logical, yet simple premises that can apply to any individual and any garment. Because we tested the Designing Your Self System™ in-person on thousands of women (and men) over many years, I know it works. It [...]

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Harmony in Nature & You

By | July 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|

Have you ever looked at Nature…flowers, mountains, oceans -- and marvelled at the beauty?  These are universal, common experiences for many, perhaps most people. Yet, it's odd that we don’t look at ourselves and others this way. If all flowers are beautiful and all mountains are beautiful, why can’t all women be beautiful?  If we [...]

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How NOT To Shop to Avoid Pitfalls!

By | July 8th, 2020|Practical Aspects of DYS, Uncategorized|

Most of us have quite a few pieces of clothing in our closets that we don’t like – or don’t want to wear.  Or, if you do wear them, you don’t feel that you look good in them. Who put those in your closet?!  Whoops, probably you did!  This happens easily for a variety of [...]

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Your Most Powerful Design Element: Color

By | August 28th, 2017|Designing Your Self, Uncategorized, Visual Aspects of Designing Your Self|

The Color Wheel Color will always affect you whether you are aware of it or not. Even a color that is only slightly "wrong" has the power sabotage your natural coloring. For years, before I studied color, there were certain days that people would ask me if I felt a bit sick and [...]

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How Impressions Impact Your Life & Career

By | July 7th, 2017|Designing Your Self for Career, Personal Impact at Work|

How Impressions Impact Your Life & Career When you walk in to the room you send out messages, whether you intend to or not. Your message combines your physical look with your energy to say "This is who I am."  The way you look expresses aspects of your personality and tastes. It can say "I'm [...]

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A Clear Mind and a Clean Closet

By | June 3rd, 2017|Practical Aspects of DYS|

Do you look into your closet and see chaos and confusion?  Maybe you know it's time to get it cleared out, but how to begin? Closet cleaning can either be a big chore or it can be a valuable experience. The easiest way to clean out your closet is to adopt the proper frame of [...]

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Being A New Ideal of You

By | March 10th, 2016|Designing Your Self|

  The great news is no one can be a better you than you! First, everything about you goes together. When you truly know this, there’s a whole and consistent message that you experience and express. You communicate it naturally in what you say and do. When you are expressing you, visually and non-verbally, you [...]

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