Once you know what you want, your question is likely, “So, how do I get from where I am to where I want to be?” You can ask this in every area of your life. Then, of course, listen. The answer lies in recognizing that the process of Designing Your Self is an Inner-Outer and Outer – Inner cycle.

Why does this “Inner-Outer” perspective matter? If Designing Your Self was only an external process, you could look great, feel better and have an improved life, yet not experience being your best essential Self. It is far more powerful when your process involves the Inner Aspects. If it was only internal, you could feel good alone, but self-conscious or not good enough with others.

Are you ready to look and be your best?  A client of mine, Kate, thought she wanted to start looking her best. So she took a few steps and got immediate results. When people started noticing her, she stopped. She hadn’t anticipated all the attention. As a result she found that she was not comfortable having others comment on how good she looked. Fortunately, we discussed it and she was able to let that fear go and continue!

Are you able to imagine having a strong personal impact?

How about a great look and powerful visual expression?

Designing something great requires a willingness to have the result be great. Are you willing to be great?  Greatness takes an unwillingness to settle for less than what’s possible. Notice when and where you settle for less and let that go!

Designing Your Self is a multi-faceted project. In our programs we go through the steps together. You can begin by noticing how the Outer Aspects and the Inner Aspects of you are interwoven. As you learn, develop, and grow, the progress with one enhances the other.

The process of Designing Your Self is not the same for every woman or man. It is finding out what is harmonious for you and then intentionally integrating it into your look – and your life! You are on your own path to your greatness. It is totally “doable.”

Expressing the authentic you is key. Designing Your Self is not copying someone else’s look. It requires looking within to discover what you can project. Realistically and believably, nobody can be just anything imaginable and nobody can be everything. Just like no one can wear every look equally well.

You might want to be perfect in every way, so you might want to determine what that means to you.  Definitions: having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be; absolute; complete.

You are a real, live human being with gifts and challenges. Yet many people perceive many more challenges than actually exist. So, in light of whatever imperfections you perceive, continue asking yourself, “What’s possible for me?” as you go through this process.

Other valuable questions for you include: What kind of person am I? How do I express that? How do I want to be seen and described by others? As you become comfortable bringing yourself out visually, you will find new possibilities for you mentally, emotionally, energetically, and yes, spiritually.

You can only live into possibilities that you can imagine. It is highly unlikely that you will become something great that you never think about being and can’t imagine, so go for it and imagine you.

This doesn’t mean that there is only one way you can or should be.  There is no perfectly predefined ideal “you” out there that you must become; there are countless number of possible “versions of you.” You get to choose what you want to be, but you have to work with what you have.  It’s a matter of taking your strengths and learning to enhance them, while downplaying less desirable features. What I’m talking about could be called bringing out the best “Essential You.”

Here’s a mindset shift. People used to think that the absence of illness meant that you must be healthy. Today we know vastly more and advanced medical technologies allow us to go beyond what we used to imagine possible. Your new new vision for Your Self could include the possibility of achieving an optimally healthy physiological state and maintaining it in later years. Optimal health is a new ideal.

Why not apply this to optimizing your individual presentation of your Self? You can design your Self so that any or all your goals easier to achieve. Maybe you’ve noticed how increasing numbers of people are becoming committed to achieving high-quality life and well-being.

Designing Your Self is an integral part of this. You can apply the Inner-Outer aspects of Designing Your Self to your individual expression. Begin today by considering and listing the qualities in you that you most want to bring out.